Characteristics of Highly Successful Health Information Management Professionals

Every field has a certain set of characteristics that make its professionals best suited for their roles. Finding what qualities you have, such as patience or kindness, and contrasting that with what different professions require is an excellent…

Soft Skills You Can Learn in Therapeutic Recreation 

What is Therapeutic Recreation?   Therapeutic Recreation can be summarized as therapy that does not use traditional methods and utilizes the client's exposure and understanding of the world to achieve self-actualization.   What do…

The Most Sought After Digital Marketing Skills

Digital Marketing is an incredibly fast-growing and evolving field. Thanks to advances in technologies and platforms, this field has great opportunities for growth and connects to almost every industry. There is actually a shortage of skilled…

What a Professional Life-Coaching Career Looks Like

The role of a coach can means a lot of things. They are someone who instructs, trains, or teaches other people a skill and how to actively use this skill in their life. This is something that everyone can use, and we kind of coach each other…